#Reflect4Rosh: Malchut

#Reflect4Rosh is back and it starts right now! For the next seven weeks we will be examining seven S’feerot (Jewish mystical qualities) in the lead up to Rosh Hashanah – all with a musical twist! Each week we’ll understand one of these ideas a little bit better and look for the places where it applies to our lives.

The Break Down

Malchut is the Jewish quality that asks us to discover holiness on earth. The idea is that this holiness isn't found on top of moutains or in dramatic or climactic places, but in small everyday things.

What are the sounds that bring harmony and fulfillment to you every day?

Digging Deeper

In music, harmonies are built out of notes and chords. Three notes are played over each other at the same time to make a chord. Chords are major, minor, dissonant, harmonious and have the power to draw us in and focus our attention.

What sounds help you focus? What sounds help you to create the space for you to find clarity?

Stephanie Belsky: White noise – it's great for cutting out distractions!
Jeff Stombaugh: At the moment – grooving out to DJ Questlove
Brandon Klein: Philosophical conversation & harmonized folk vocals
Steven Davis: Waves on the beach
Avery Markel: Water on a shore is a grounding sound for me – especially at Lake Michigan!


This week, Rabbi Jeff is here with a fun and quick intro to this seven-week journey of reflection, but in the weeks to come you’ll find videos of him and other local rabbis reflecting on the week’s theme and upcoming High Holiday plans!


This week's mystical quality is Malchut, aka Harmony and Fulfillment. This week's musical quality is notes and chords – the foundation for music. We all know that Motown was born in Detroit. And these Boyz from Philly showcase the tightest harmonies that inspired a whole generation of music.

Their song Motownphilly is the perfect case in point song for focused harmonies that are just divine. While this whole song is full of tight harmonies, their particularly epic run is at timestamp 3:05. Check it out:

Want to dig deeper? Check out Netflix Documentary This is Pop: The Boyz II Men Effect to see the origins of this incredible group and the musical moment they inspired.

Follow along on The Well's Facebook and Instagram for new prompts each Monday, Wednesday and Friday...