Earth Day these days may have more detractors than fans. Not the clown car of climate-change deniers honking about snow in April – would that they could prove us all wrong and drive off the edge of the earth!
No, the critique levied by advocates for environmental sustainability. That we should have long since made Earth Day obsolete by accepting the overwhelming evidence that human behavior is making the planet uninhabitable and by insisting on decisive action to curb global warming.
Maybe the same is true for most "Days" – not that we should get rid of mothers or veterans, but that our personal priorities and policy decisions should reflect ethics and equities. Postpartum depression and post-traumatic stress disorder don't occur just once a year and are not treated with roses and flags.
Earth Day too should serve to spotlight the systems and structures in place – some so ingratiated we may overlook them entirely – that either support or retard sustainability. Along with the consequences of corporate and civic behavior, we ought to examine the daily decisions we make to understand how they add up in the aggregate.
That's where you come in. Our community is flush with folks who have made environmentalism a matter of habit, rather than holiday. We want to tell your stories. Really, we want you to tell your story. Stories not of ecological epiphany but emulatable experiences that are:
Incremental. Modest, cumulative adjustments you've tried and what it took to make them stick.
Relatable. Examples that others might try themselves (not that we aren't impressed with your yurt).
Whatever. So many shades of green – yours could be related to food, energy, nature, travel, animal, vegetable, mineral, home, work, play...

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